What We Do

At Perform Health, we use a simple and effective 5 step treatment approach to quickly assess and treat the root cause of your issue.

Step 1: We LISTEN to your story to best understand and make sense of WHY this pain is happening in your daily life. 

Step 2: We LOOK and examine your movement patterns with our unique assessment protocols to get straight to the root of the problem. 

Step 3: We EXPLAIN the findings of our examination to you using a simple, understandable language – No confusing medical jargon!  Once you are clear of the issue, together we map out a bespoke treatment plan using structured, achievable goals! Understanding what’s wrong, why it’s wrong and how to fix it will empower you to success! 

Step 4: We use HANDS ON techniques to relieve pain and tension in your body (if appropriate for you). Osteopathy is renowned worldwide for it’s superior manual therapy techniques by treating muscles, joints, fascia, nerves and even organs! 

Step 5: We prescribe a progressive therapeutic EXERCISE program to reinforce positive pain free movements in the body. As your pain reduces and your confidence increases, we will guide you to safely build greater strength back into your tissues.